
Metadata is essential to identify an audiovisual asset or record, each file that is generated in a television environment must have associated information that identifies and describes it as best and much as possible. Metadata describes useful information for a given environment, cataloging metadata, for example, serves to describe and label raw footage whose purpose is to be found when searched for and subsequently used in an edition. In turn, that same raw footage has technical metadata, which determines whether the quality, format, resolution, audios, … are suitable for production.

Geolocation metadata that allows you to be more efficient in choosing a production target.

Other corporate or business metadata determines if that tagged content is usable on a rights level, or if those rights are transmedia or exclusive to a platform.

All this information allows search and recovery filters, which in turn makes the workflow to be more efficient and also enables automatizations that increase productivity. 

Let us always remember that, if a content is not correctly identified, it is as if it didn´t exist. One cannot find what he cannot look for.


Either in the web world or in the traditional linear TV, advertising, programs, news, and TV shows have a new meaning, they must be multiplatform and multiformat, creators must also be multi-area, it is no longer enough to do an audiovisual element for traditional linear television, a shift is necessary for a content to be usable on multiple sites, being all of it created by the same person.

Linear, non-linear television, VOD, radio, podcast, … are the current broadcast media, but surely some more will be invented that we haven’t even dreamed of.

The audiovisual language must, therefore, take a turn to position itself in an environment of multi-device compatibility, since it is not the same production for a web or a Smartphone (more dynamic, faster and with shorter planes) than for traditional linear television.

A more personalized experience is sought for, virtual reality and augmented reality are about to be exploited. RT (Russia Today) made in 2016 the first broadcast of an informative in 360º.

In 2020 it is estimated that one in three viewers (Ericsson Consumer Lab study) will see AR, VR and 360º content, and it will be seen on mobile devices rather than on the traditional Television.

BBC, for example, has a daily vertical newsletter to be seen on Smartphones.

Semi Automatic Metadata

There are currently tools and solutions such as ETIQMEDIA, for the generation of semi-automatic metadata or documentalist aid. Artificial intelligence modules are used together with process and decision trees that improve the processing and cataloging times of certain audiovisual contents, with what they´re starting to work with and treat on a documentary level.

If you want to know more about Artificial Intelligence, don’t miss the next week article.

Asier Anitua Valluerca

Asier Anitua Valluerca

Gerente Desarrollo de Negocio

Telefónica Servicios Audiovisuales
