Latina Television relies once again on Telefónica Audiovisual Services (TSA) to transform Peruvian television

News 22 May, 2023


In their interview with Over the Tech, from the specialized magazine, Pavel Pacheco, Technology Manager of the Peruvian channel, and Marta Rodríguez, Press Officer, comment on their commitment to turn Latina Television into a multiplatform content creation channel.


Supported by TSA as technological partner, the channel has been able to transform its workflows by implementing new tools for content creation, production, processing and management.

The main objectives, generate multiplatform content quickly and easily and adapt the workflows to the needs of the audiovisual industry.

As Pavel Pacheco explains, the latest trends in content consumption have forced television sector to take strategies focused on content creation, showing the need to adapt to different platforms and prioritizing availability any time, any where.

In order to achieve this, it is essential to understand and manage the digital concepts, the different languages and the own formats of technological transformation. From SEO strategies to the key role of social networks, Pavel insists on the importance of content immediacy and metrics; always keeping in mind target segmentation for each kind of content.

With these objectives in mind, a new system integrated by TSA has been created where, from content ingestion to play out, separate providers are involved. Among all these tools, Dalet Galaxy stands out as the central axis that has facilitated and streamlined the entire workflow involved in the creation, production and processing of content.

As Marta Rodríguez remarks, migration from Avid to Dalet allows the input, edition and upload of the produced content to the different platforms where the channel participates. Thanks to Dalet, journalists have more independence, ease and control over their work, which will be later on examined by a team of professionals to guarantee its quality. 

“News can’t have the timing of linear TV. We are in a competitive world that requires to publish with immediacy […]”

(Marta Rodríguez, Press Officer, Latina Television)

Moreover, all this could not be achieved without the commitment of a team focused on detecting the needs that challenge Latina, the industry and the users. Thanks to this, a new stage of training, led by TSA, has been initiated to design internal teams that will train end users, allowing them to learn both the tools and the new workflows. This phase will have a special relevance due to the need for new professional profiles that bring  Dalet transition, which will reorganize not only the structure of the company but also the newsroom physical space.

Finally, Pacheco has dated the implementation of this system by mid 2023; in addition to introducing a new project focused on the integration of the different areas of Latina, this will unify news and entertainment within the same ecosystem. In the same vein, he has also highlighted the beginning of their own production fiction content and the arrival of a 24H news channel.

“Tools are not the problem. The biggest challenge is to convince people that technological evolution is our ally.”

(Pavel Pacheco, Manager, Latina Television)